Sunday 29 November 2009 : Your own radio station, will blow your heads away

Lets take the attention towards the next best thing God has given after food and women.
....any guesses?, the answer:  MUSIC
.....You should really try this one out, it plays your mood undoubtedly, it rearranges the logic based on what you want to listen at that moment. you dont like something, let the station know, it wont even play it ever for you.
Multiple options to slice and dice the genre, the music, the artists that actually frenzy you...
Jinesh asked me to onboard this a while ago, I dod almost a month back and thought I need to share this with like minded souls, its not rock or heavy metal frenzy, it works for diverse music genre.

Like they say "a song is worth a thousand words", I made this up, hence....get going without much graffiti to read
Go ahead go open your Pandora box, create the stations and get rid of listening music from your hard drives

the site :

It looks something like this, happy listening folks


Anonymous said...

i used to love Pandora but now its available only for US users. there is a way to work around but the simplicity lacks

Joyee said...

Rajiv San, I did not know about the availability part, but it rocks for me currently, since am a US user :)

Neevs Chocolate Straw Berry , not Chocolate Strawberry :-)

 Neevs fun Chocolate Straw Berry ...its not a Chocolate Strawberry :-)